Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday morning a time for changes... "a (late night many beers) rant"

Wow a blog post I don't have any pics prep'ed for... cool let's wing it...

Let's start off with the real news... I'm no longer a Mechanic with Trail Head Cyclery... OUCH!!!!! yeah that hurt, no sh*t, I really like working there... for the record I left, they were really trying to keep me on (even when I got the 10 weeks disability from the Doc.)

THC is a great (MTB) shop, it's just a little to far for me to get to every day (20 miles one way + a broken collar bone on top of it)... yeah right, reality sinks in and I need to find work closer to home.

I really liked working for Lars, he's by far one of he better bosses I've worked for. Cool, Calm, 100% behind his employees (wrong or right), a "make it work RIGHT" shop owner/former wrench. I never stressed about time with Lars, he just wanted his customer’s bikes to be 100% when it left the door. If it took me 3 hours or 3 days he didn't care so long as it was right/perfict.


Ride'n off in to the sunset...


Bontrager, Keith made it, hopfully people will see me as the guy who took the family name and did my own thing with it....


I love my pup TEX! he's the best!! Just the right size to hang out with anytime.


A rare shot of me in a race these days... hopfully that will change in the next couple of years... 2009 I become a 35+ :) heheh

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Mike D said...

Start your own bike shop! Sunnyvale is ripe for a decent one...

I might try getting back into racing too. That's kind of a scary thought, since I'm considering track racing. =)

Rye said...

Walt's original owner is back running the shop now (in Sunnyvale) and Dave Prion is managing the Bicycle Outfitter now, 4.4 miles from my house... (yeah I'm talking with both of them)

I don't wanna own a bike shop, 75% of them fail in the first year and it's not really where I wanna go in life... don't really know where I wanna go but not there... said...

2009 ... hell yeah!

i think the attitude that it needs to be right, rather than fast is a rare commodity in the biz.

but, when i find places like that - i'm loyal to them.

Rye said...

amen brother.

hope your surgery goes well tomorrow. Get better soon! I can't wait to do some bike swaps for you at the cross races!