Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Calm before the Storm...

Sounds like Thursday the real work is going to start… Paul and I spent some time on the phone last night, Michelle always laughs at me because I normally hate talking on the phone and keep it short but when Paul’s on, she isn’t going to see me for a while, haha I guess if I was on the other side of the hill I would just go over and see him, ah well…

I typed up the parts list and made the special order form for my stuff for the season, got them all e-mailed off. As soon as I know what frames are coming in, I’m going to start contacting the riders to set up appointments for their builds… I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off all months from the shop I’m checking out right now, so I have time for the team bikes. I’ll be making trips over to Santa Cruz on the weekends too, so riders over there can drop their stuff off with Paul and get it back in a week from me…

ok break is over, back to it... type, type, type...