I'm looking for pics of the
NCNCA Cup Race in Sac but well... I'm a little medicated right now, that story next, and am having a little HTML brain fart trying to steal them from
Mike's Blog or the
HRS/'Lobster Blog .
Anyway it was a really good race day. Mike gave me a lift to the race and on the 2+ hour drive in the early AM we got our first chance to really chat, and damn that dude has an really good head between his shoulders. It's easy to see why he's so respected and well liked in the cycling community. Not only that, he has a 12 cylinder Ferrari motor bangin' in those legs. Just 8ish weeks after busting his C-bone he not only came out to race but ate up the field. Holding strong at the start, falling back a little, then putting the HURT on the chase group causing them to shatter, for a 5th place finish.
Josh, Dave and Aaron O. were up front, working over the only non-'lobster Cameron Falconer from
Rick Hunters team. Ending up 1th-4th respectivaly. Cameron put up an awesome fight, but agents Josh and Dave... man that's one 'Lobster sandwich I wouldn't want a bite of...
I could tell Stella wasn't feeling it after the big battle the day before at CCCX #3, she got a very respectable 8th.
Today was my 3rd Monday ride with the guys, Mike and Aaron K showed up at Paul's shop to put the hurt on me... but I ended up hurting more then planned, by my own doing.
Mike loaned me the new rig I built up for him and we all set out on the "Friday Loop", Everything was going as planned, sticking with the guys on the flats then falling back on the hills. I'm WAY out of shape, and riding with the "A" guys on their easy days always is a work out. We started down "Old Cabin"'s single track and I was in a nice grove about 2 bike leinghts behind Mike until I took a switchback a little wide. I over corrected and BLAM hit a root and the deck...
Second Helmet I've busted this year, no concussion thankfully and no real "road rash" but I'm swelling up pretty good and the shoulder I busted is clicking now... Mike's rig was no better off, I jacked up the h-bars and shifters (easily fixable with a 5mm) but the real causality was the new carbon Seat Post that I snapped. He and Aaron were so cool, I was tripping over busting up his bike but they we're way more worried about me. Needless to say the pace dropped and I went in to survival mode to get back to Paul's. Luckily our Easton sponsorship shipment had arrived with new seat posts and we got his baby back together. I've been feeling like a real ass, he's been so cool about it, thanks Mike.
My "Wall of Shame" now has a new addition.
That makes 6 brain buckets in 22 years of riding that I've killed...
Michelle told me to order 2 more, so I have a back up for "next time". I really hope there isn't one.