Friday, August 3, 2007

While I'm posting up old photos

I didn't build up these two but I think they are hella cool... and I'm killing time waiting on cloths to dry.


My back drop latley, I think this is going to be my next bike... I've always wanted to try riding (and mybe a little racing) on the track again. Fixies are a lot of fun. and I do have that Mavic Starfish crankset collecting dust


This bike is just frick'n cool! Michelle and I spotted this one at the Sea Otter this year. Paul told me the story behind it but it's too early in the morning to recall it... The owner is a cute little Jr who killed it in her race if I remember correctly.

I'm big on supporting the Jr's, I was lucky when I started racing to find guys who would show me the ropes. We gotta do the same to keep this sport alive and kick'n or I won't have any cool bikes to build up.
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1 comment:

jAndy donka-donk said...

out of everything I have ever ridden in short fast circles.....

best bike ever!!!!

Paul knows whats up when it comes to a fixie!!!!